- The Continuous Improvement Team
Proven Process Baselining Phase 2 - Artifacts & Playbook Updates - Sprint 2
Proven Process Baselining Phase 2 - Artifacts & Playbook Updates - Sprint 2
Thanks to everyone who took time to review and validate artifacts in Sprint 1 of the Artifacts & Playbook Updates workstream – you are appreciated!
Based on the review, feedback, and approval, we made minor updates to the proposed Project Close Checklist and uploaded it to the Playbook. We are also moving forward with the CI LaunchNotes to create greater visibility to AAR outcomes and progress on action items. If you added questions in the workbook that need follow up, expect to hear from Emily Cottam or myself early this week.
We used Sprint 1 as a “test run” for how we’ll approach this review and validation process. Based on how Sprint 1 went, we’re making one adjustment:
We’ll be working in 3 week sprints instead of 2 week sprints. This is to ensure the feedback window doesn’t overlap with sourcing for the next sprint, which could create confusion for team members. It also allows more flexibility during busy times of year and ensures we fully close out a sprint before beginning the next. The Phase 2 Kickoff deck has been updated to reflect this – see slides 24 – 27. You won’t feel a difference in your role / experience from Sprint 1 based on this adjustment – it’ll just make the transition between sprints smoother.
For Sprint 2 (11/27 – 12/15), the below items are being worked on. If you or your teams have helpful client samples, templates, or other resources related to bullets 2 and 3, please send to Emily Cottam and me by end of this week:
Change order process documentation & guidelines (leveraging work being completed in the Operations Enablement project)
Managing client expectations around change in project direction (best practices)
Sample scalable plans for team onboarding, alignment, and training activities in the Define phase
Continued refinement of the Solution Blueprint Workbook and deliverable templates (as part of the ADO workstream – spans two sprints)
Dual Write documentation in the Playbook (spans two sprints)
Let us know if there are questions. You’ll hear from us again on 12/8 with the workbook to review, provide feedback, and sign off on what’s proposed for these items.