Proven Process Baselining Friday Update - 11/17

AUTHOR: The Continuous Improvement Team

Proven Process Baselining Friday Update - 11/17

This is your weekly update on the Proven Process Baselining initiative. See below for updates in the three Phase 2 workstreams and reminders for next week.

This week in the ADO Usage & Standardization workstream, we:

  • Completed second sessions with the F&O, CE, and BC teams

  • Added a third set of sessions to create flexibility for doing our due diligence in finishing remaining agenda items

  • Shifted a few things on the calendar to accommodate the above, with the ADO Cross-Functional Validation session moving to 12/1 and opting for a pre-recorded milestone update to the entire team the week of 12/4

This week in the Artifacts & Playbook Updates workstream, we:

  • Reviewed feedback on Sprint 1 item drafts that were sent to the validation team last week. If you’re part of this workstream, reminder that we’re looking for your feedback by 11/20 in this workbook. These items were: 1) a dashboard + reporting mechanism to create greater visibility to AAR outcomes and progress on action items; and 2) a project close checklist. Shout out to Rich, Jordan, and Jonathan for providing feedback and sign-off already!

  • Began Sprint 2 in the Artifacts & Playbook Updates workstream. See slide 26 in the kickoff deck for the items we’re currently working on.

  • Continued work to finalize the baseline project template in the Playbook based on Phase 1 outcomes.

This week in the Awareness, Education & Reinforcement workstream, we:

  • Finished the facilitator guides and discussion prompts for team managers to discuss the Proven Process with new team members in their first 30 days. A preview of these resources was provided to managers during the Managers Meeting on 11/14 and these guides will be shared with managers next week. This is part of a new onboarding series for new hires introducing them to the Proven Process that will begin the week of 11/27.

  • Began meetings with team leaders to create each team’s Proven Process Refresh plan for the new year. So far we’ve met with the PM, BC, and CE teams, with Marketing, Sales, F&O, OCM, and Client Experience to occur over the next two weeks.


  • Billable team members: log time spent on Proven Process Baselining to PRJ-4131: Stoneridge CI Program – Internal with the comment, “Proven Process Baselining.”

  • Here is the Phase 2 Kickoff deck and Phase 1 Reference deck if you ever need to look back at what we accomplished in Phase 1 or what we’re working on now, in Phase 2.


Let Grace, Emily, or I know if there are questions. Thanks as always for the time, energy, insights, and commitment to this initiative – you are appreciated.


Enjoy the weekend!

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