Brooke McKeever

Final Proven Process Baselining Friday Update - 8/2

AUTHOR: Brooke McKeever

Final Proven Process Baselining Friday Update - 8/2

This is the final weekly update on the Proven Process Baselining initiative. As we near the close of formal baselining work, we'll be shifting to a monthly update. You can also stay up to date with ongoing work related to the Proven Process via the CI LaunchNotes page and hitting the "subscribe to updates" button.

As of today, formally scoped work in the ADO Usage & Standardization and Proven Process Refresh workstreams is either complete or nearing completion. Ongoing work to improve the Playbook and artifacts in it will continue via a backlog managed by Emily Cottam.

Here is what you can expect for the remainder of this year:

Focus Area 1: Ongoing Reinforcement

Focus will be on team-driven and project-embedded learning and reinforcement of the Proven Process. All resources provided at the end of the Proven Process Refresh for Leaders are meant to support this. We encourage this group to reference things like the Proven Process Pocket Guide, Proven Process Playlist in Ascend, and Proven Process Fundamentals section in the Playbook as we continue reinforcing key concepts across teams.

Focus Area 2: Proven Process Deeper Dives

If your team would like to explore deeper dives on specific Proven Process topics, please reach out to Emily Cottam and Brooke McKeever. Whether it be supporting you in leveraging the resources provided or partnering on a deeper dive opportunity for your team, we're available and eager to collaborate to best meet your team's needs. Example: we're meeting with Erin Hoekstra next week to talk about synthesizing helpful resources in the Playbook for her team in the Consulting Services - F&O Functional group. This is a great example of deeper dive collaboration and support.

Focus Area 3: Measuring Improvement & Impact

We've started to measure and report on improvement and impact related to how our Proven Process is applied on projects in a few simple ways:

  • We've added a brief survey to the beginning of After Action Reviews to gauge application and team member satisfaction related to the Proven Process.

  • We'll be working with the PMO to look at select project success metrics compared to benchmarks from the first half of the year, to measure factors that correlate to more consistent application of our Proven Process.

  • In Q4, we'll re-administer the Proven Process Baselining survey from 2023 to compare team members' perceptions, experiences, and awareness related to the Proven Process after a year of Refresh activities.

Focus Area 4: High-Impact Activity Audits

We'll be working with the PMO and project leadership teams to audit certain key activities in the Proven Process that are intended to increase project success. Examples of this include certain activities in the PM Initiation & Planning Workflow related to team onboarding, alignment, and role clarity discussions, as well as phase transition checkpoints. We'll also be working with EMs and the PMO to begin more consistent in-project retrospectives at key milestones, that in addition to creating the opportunity for timely in-project improvement, will also allow us to continually assess how we're applying the Proven Process and gather feedback for ongoing refinement.

And a final thank you to this group: you have been instrumental in moving the Proven Process Baselining initiative forward these past several months, and we know you all will continue to do a great job as we go deeper and reinforce action the rest of this year and beyond. Don't hesitate to reach out with questions or feedback on the above, and your next monthly update will come in September.

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